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Players were started off with an image with some text advising (and then discouraging) them to squint their eyes to read some faint alien glyphs.
By either attempting to read the faint glyphs or by turning up the brightness of the picture to read it more easily, the glyphs translate to tenretniolleh, which happens to be the first key.
The second key starts off with a video players have seen before. The video is accompanied with text that reads: "Complete this sentence: BLACK IS ZERO..." Earlier investigations of this video have uncovered a set of binary strings with black rectangles acting as zeroes and red rectangles acting as ones. Although the player could have guessed the key, it is highly unlikely their attempt was successful due to the last word. It is figured out by honing in on one specific frame of the video at around 0:14. This frame completes the phrase as: "BLACK IS ZERO RED IS ONE OBVY". Therefore, the key is red is one obvy.
Players were given a YouTube video called "break me.", a reference to how CreatorInk wanted players to test the integrity of their servers due to the failure of Gate 2. The video's spectrogram was the only thing of importance, with two things to note:
Going to the link will give an Error 404 message, but the "BEWARE the TROLL" warning tells us that this is actually not an error. Downloading the 404 image and adjusting brightness settings actually gives us alien glyphs that read "the file name is the password".
Since the file name is "V29udCBjcmFzaCBUSElTIHRpbWUh.png", the final key is V29udCBjcmFzaCBUSElTIHRpbWUh, which happens to be a base64 encryption of "Wont crash THIS time!"
This password is case-sensitive.
Some letters may be deceiving. It goes "SE [lowercase L] T [uppercase i] H..."